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I Believe in the Good Things Coming

Let's take a moment to discuss this "good vibes" idea. Yes, it can get annoying, and yes I agree, it does not always seem like you're getting the right vibes. And what are vibes anyways? Whats the big deal? Here it is to me; vibrations. EVERYTHING gives off a vibration, an energy. I rolls throught us and when it gets to our fingertips, the edges of our skin, it allows humans, animals, all living things to communicate in a way the doesn't require logic, sight, sound, touch. It brings those gut feelings to us. Yes, those gut feelings where you meet someone and you can't put your finger on it, but that person just seems off to you. Then society comes in with your upbringing and tells you to give everybody a chance. Then, after an immesureable amount of time, you come to find that gut feeling was telling you not to get involved. Then there are those circumstances where you meet someone and all those fuzzy feelings come about. Those carefully constructed wall begin breaking down and with a few passing breaths, you find yourself expanding because of this person's presence.

These vibrations are no joke. And I sure have been feeling them today. Work was busy. I had a headache the entire day. The creepy guy was there. I ate much "lunch" at 6pm. It was cold, the rain started to freeze. And that one manager who always is asking you to do things that are not part of your job discription was breathing down my neck. My parents were annoying me with the same question, asked fifty times but with different words. But still, I had a large smile on my face the entire day.

I walked into my department and could feel the energy. The playful, childlike moods before anyone even said hello. I stood for a moment taking my jacket off, closing my eyes, and breathing what I felt. Work was great, even with all the minor annoyances. The people I worked with offered support, play, laughs. We still got our work done, but not a moment of it felt forced. My department compliments each other. Our leaders thank us for the work we do each day. Tell us to enjoy our lunch or our breaks. It is something, that even a year later, I am still not accustomed to. And I tell myself daily that I will remember to give the same to those I work with. But old habits die hard, and right now the most I can manage is a quick "have a good day!" while someone is disappearing around the corner.

I am a work in progress. My yoga has definity helped to bring me a little closer to the emotion expressing, graditute giving, light bearing, good vibrating, smile bringing individual I wish to be. It is about being open. Trusting the universe will provide what you need to survive and be. We all need to be a little kinder to ourselves, to each other, to this world we walk on.

Breathe easy, I believe in the good things coming, coming, coming.

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